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What is Surya Namaskara C (Sun Salutation C)?

In Surya Namaskar, there are few types, which are A, B and C, but in here we talk about type C first.

"Surya" meaning "Sun", "Namaskar" meaning "Salute".

There are 12 asanas inside Surya Namaskar C, it can bring hit in our body, which is good for warm up in the beginning of the class or morning to start the day or before the bed to enjoy better sleep at night.

Step by Step to Surya Namaskar:

Tadasana (Mountain)

1. Standing with big toes and heels touch firmly on the ground.

2. Engage core and thighs.

3. Palms together in front of heart center.

4. Take few deep breaths to settle your mind and body.

Urdhva Hastasana (Upward Salute)

1. Inhale, Raise palms up over head.

2. Slightly aching back.

3. Lift ribcage high.

3. Gaze up.

Padahastasana (Forward Fold)

1. Exhale, Hinge from hip

2. Bring belly close to thighs.

3. Place palms outside your feet.

4. crown of head toward the ground.

* If hamstring less flexibility or your back start rounding or fingers can't even touch the ground, option is here

-Can slightly bending knee to get belly closer on thighs

-Place yoga blocks under your palms, turn the yoga blocks to find different level for you.

Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Equestrian Pose)

1. Inhale, step right foot back

2. Bending left knee

3. Move right hip toward the ground

4. Come up fingers tips

5. Chest forward

6. Press belly on the thigh

7. Gaze up.

Parvatasana (Plank)

1. Maintain your breathe

2. Step left foot back to plank

3. Tuck belly in the navel

4. Push Palms rooted on the ground

5. Lift upper back toward the sky

6. Gaze down

*for beginner, can place knees on the ground

Ashtanga Namaskar (Eight Limbed Pose)

1. Exhale, Place Knee, Chest and Chin on the ground

2. Palms next to the chests

3. Elbow close to body

4. Keep tailbone up

5. Gaze forward

Bhujangasana (Cobra)

1. Inhale, Slight chest forward until the hips on the ground

2. Point toes back and place its on the ground

3. Palms press down

4. Peel chests off the ground

5. leave space between shoulders and ears

6. Gaze up

Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog)

1. Exhale, Tuck toes and lift tailbone up to the sky

2. Bring belly closer to thighs

3. Keep Back flat

4. Turn tricep to ear

5. Straighten legs

*for beginner, can slightly bend knees, heels also can off the ground

Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Equestrian Pose)

1. Inhale, step right foot forward

2. Bending right knee

3. Move right hip toward the ground

4. Come up fingers tips

5. Chest forward

6. Press belly on the thigh

7. Gaze up.

Padahastasana (Forward Fold)

1. Exhale, Step left foot forward

2. Bending forward

2. Bring belly close to thighs.

3. Place palms outside your feet.

4. crown of head toward the ground.

Urdhva Hastasana (Upward Salute)

1. Inhale, Raise palms up over head.

2. Slightly aching back.

3. Lift ribcage high.

3. Gaze up.

Tadasana (Mountain)

1. Exhale, Bring palms back in front of heart center

After this 12 asanas, follow the same asanas, but switch to step your left BACK on your first Ashwa Sanchalanasana, and step your left foot FORWARD on your second Ashwa Sanchalanasana, it will be done for 1 set after both side.

What is the benefit of Surya Namaskar?

-Warm up the body


-Improves digestion

-Increases Awareness

-Emotional Stability

-Boosts immunity

-Increases blood circulation

-Clam mind

-Strengthen lung

How many rounds I should do?

For beginner

4-6 rounds (rest if you need to)

For advanced

12 rounds or up to 108 rounds

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